Nautical Snowman Hand Woven Monkey Knots for your tree -all choices-

Color Red Royal White Burg Navy Tan Medium Blue Yellow Green Turquoise Orange Purple Brown Forest Pink Lime Black Grey

This is the snowman we shared on Instagram last year that caused the waves.

We now have all 18 color scarves online that we sell in our shop.

Downtown Mystic people were stopping in every day to get a custom hat and scarf on a handmade ornament for their tree, but until now, it was just two colors online.  It was so much fun dressing these guys for people that we want to share the same experience with you.  So, all 18 colors are now here.

I make these by stacking and stitching three monkey fists together along with a turkshead beret for a hat and buttons and a nose of cord.  Because the bottom ball is made on a ping pong ball, he's light enough to hang from almost any tree (just in case C.Brown orders one)

The snowman stands a towering 4 1/2" but only weighs two ounces. He'll look great on any tree either seaside or inland. A great winter reminder of warmer days of coasts, beaches, or boating.

We love making these snowmen, so I hope you can share pictures on your tree with us on Instagram to help us ensure they end up in good homes.